Fall 2019 Keynote Announced!

Fall 2019 ASPP/PSU Conference Keynote:

Preventing and Intervening with Bullying
Bullying is an issue of concern for individual perpetrators and victims, as well as the peer group, family, school, and larger society. This workshop will describe the forms of bullying that youth engage in, the factors that contribute to it, and the short- and long-term outcomes associated with bullying. The focus will be on an evidence-based framework for preventing and intervening with bullying in schools. Resources will be highlighted for implementing comprehensive school-based prevention programming. Participants will also learn strategies for working with perpetrators, victims, and bystanders.
Amanda B. Nickerson, PhD is a professor of school psychology and director of the Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York (http://ed.buffalo.edu/alberti.html). She is a nationally certified school psychologist, licensed psychologist, fellow of the American Psychological Association, and member of NASP’s School Safety and Crisis Response Committee. Dr. Nickerson’s research focuses on preventing and intervening with school crises, violence, and bullying, as well as the critical role of schools, parents, and peers in promoting social-emotional strengths of children and adolescents.